Every woman wants her feet to be in perfect condition at all times. What would you do if one day you stood in front of a mirror and saw that your feet were covered with unsympathetic vascular "stars"? Hiding will not work. It is impossible to ignore this, because these "decorations" will only be brighter and bigger. It is not easy to fight varicose veins of the lower extremities, but it is necessary. After all, you have to agree that wearing pants is not the most attractive prospect forever.

Varicose veins in the legs are a serious condition in which they lose their elasticity, stretch, dilate and bend.
Varicose veins in the legs have long been known as a serious disease. In general, we pay for the opportunity to walk on two legs in a very unpleasant way. The influence of various negative factors leads to the weakening of the venous walls and blood stasis in the lower half of the body.
As a result, the arteries become overloaded and the venous valves work even worse. The result - the legs are tired, sore, there is a feeling of heaviness, the feet and ankles are swollen. After a while, other symptoms are added in the form of cosmetic defects. More serious complications are possible in the future.
Previously, it was believed that varicose veins in the legs were a "standing" occupation of people, and the first symptoms appeared at about 35 years of age. This is partly true. But today, varicose veins are rapidly rejuvenating. It can be said that this disease has become a problem for the "computer generation" of 20-30 years.
Unfortunately, there are no signs of varicose veins in the legs. But if your legs start to ache and get tired, you will feel heaviness in your legs and suffer from convulsions - this is a reason to be careful.
The appearance of the hard-to-see blue veins, familiar to many - the vascular networks that will be more noticeable if left untreated - is a signal for action. It is worth sounding the alarm when all groups of saphenous veins on the surface of the legs are already visible, because the result of the disease are ugly blood clots and ulcers that are very difficult to fight. Treatment of varicose veins in the legs can take decades.
The most dangerous consequence of varicose veins is the development of thrombophlebitis - the formation of blood clots in the veins.
The inflammatory process that accompanies the disease creates a risk of a thrombus rupturing the vessel wall. And this, in turn, can lead to the development of pulmonary embolism, when a thrombus enters the pulmonary vessels and partially or completely disrupts the functioning of the respiratory system. And it can even result in death.

Varicose veins in the legs: and does it threaten me?
Unfortunately, it is difficult to name the exact cause of the appearance of varicose veins in the legs. This disease is the result of various factors. And each of us encounters some every day.
Reason 1. Heredity
Phlebologists say that varicose veins are a "family" disease. If a mother or grandmother suffers from this disease, it can be claimed that you are at risk from 100 to 90. The structural features of blood vessels are transmitted to us through genes. If the walls of the arteries are weak, the effect of any stimulus is sufficient for the disease to be felt.
Reason 2. Pregnancy
Carrying a child is one of the most important provocative factors in the development of varicose veins, because changes in hormonal levels lead to a decrease in venous tone. In addition, during pregnancy, the arteries are almost always compressed by the growing uterus. In addition, the weight increases. However, our arteries experience the greatest pressure during childbirth. According to statistics, in 50 percent of women, previously varicose veins manifest themselves at this time.
Reason 3. Uncomfortable clothes and shoes
Uncomfortable, tight clothing such as skinny jeans can cause varicose veins. Narrow shoes and high heels do no less damage. The wider the sole of the boot, the less stress on the feet. By balancing on a thin stiletto, we expose our veins to a great load. If you also carry heavy grocery bags in your hands, you can say goodbye forever with beautiful legs.
Reason 4. Working conditions and bad habits
Don't forget people with classic "standing" professions (salespeople, waiters, hairdressers, stewardesses and many more). There are varicose veins - almost an occupational disease. All the office workers approach them, because staying in one position for a long time (even sitting, even standing) is a dirty deed. If you add to it bad habits such as smoking, eating bread and sandwiches, and you gain weight, varicose veins will not wait for you. Yes, of course, this includes the love of many to sit on their feet.
Reason 5. Sports overload
Not all fitness is good. Those who love to wash weights in the gym are at serious risk. Weight lifting is one of the causes of varicose veins. If you are prone to varicose veins, you should not overload your legs with excessive exercise. Power education and martial arts classes are not for you.

Diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins
As it is already clear, varicose veins in the legs are not a cosmetic defect, so you should immediately consult a phlebologist as soon as the first unpleasant sensations appear in the legs.
If necessary, the doctor will determine the quality of blood flow in the vessels and can determine Doppler ultrasound, indicating whether there are any obstructions, and determine the transillumination of superficial vessels using a special light that allows the specialist to easily distinguish. damaged vessel from normal vessel. These necessary measures will allow to identify the initial disease in time and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.
If we talk about the treatment of varicose veins, modern medicine knows several ways to treat varicose veins:
- Local remedies (ointments, gels):Eliminates the feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, has a pleasant sedative effect. This method of treatment will not bring instant relief, because the active substance passes through the skin in small doses. The beneficial effect is only on the superficial saphenous veins. However, with regular use, ointments and gels can correct the condition in the early stages of varicose veins in the legs.
- Venotonic:drugs used for venous insufficiency (prescribed only by a doctor). These medications help reduce swelling, relieve leg pain, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and improve blood flow. Venotonics perfectly complements the effect of local remedies to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of deep veins.
- Endovasal laser coagulation (EVLK):a method of treating "stars" and vascular "whites", which are precursors of varicose veins in the legs. The doctor moves the laser on the sick ship and the "star" disappears. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After a few weeks, it is impossible to recall the manipulation of the skin.
- Sclerotherapy:A procedure in which substances - sclerosants - are injected into a problem vein with a syringe and the affected vein sticks to each other from the inside and stops working, and blood begins to flow from the healthy vein. However, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. Nodes are defined when they are not too large.
- Ozone therapy:a new treatment for varicose veins used to destroy spider veins. Ozone is injected directly into the lumen of the vein with a small needle and causes it to stick together. A few procedures are enough to achieve a visible effect.
- Phlebectomy:Surgery is one of the most effective treatments when a patient has a vein removed. You can go home the day after the operation, but you must wear special tights or bandage your feet for at least a month. During the operation, small holes are made in the foot, which are almost invisible after a while.
Hirudotherapy or leprosy treatment of varicose veins is believed to help get rid of varicose veins in the legs. In fact, the substance secreted when biting water, hirudin, helps reduce blood clotting. Neither spider veins nor veins disappear anywhere. In addition, ulcers can form at the site of the bite, which is difficult to treat.
Prevention of varicose veins is the best treatment: 5 steps to vascular health
The best way to say no to varicose veins and many other diseases is a healthy lifestyle!
Step 1. Action is life
Swimming is a universal type of physical activity with virtually no contraindications. Water treatments are best suited for the prevention of varicose veins as they tone the blood vessels well. Walking is also a good way to fight venous diseases. For example, a staircase or an escalator. No heavy bags, please. It is better to walk two stops to the subway than to go by car. And you can do the simplest "bike" exercise at home in a supine position.
Step 2. Delicate helpers
Modern compression knitwear: knee-length and tights will help against fatigue and heaviness in the legs. It is sold in pharmacies and is selected individually by the doctor based on the parameters of the foot. In appearance, medicated tights are not more beautiful and fashionable than usual. In addition, they help ships better cope with the increasing load.
Step 3. Tasty and healthy
First, excess weight puts a serious burden on the blood vessels. Therefore, if you have a few unnecessary weights, it is better to get rid of them. Second, nutrition should focus on strengthening the walls of blood vessels to prevent varicose veins. This is facilitated by vitamins such as ascorbic acid and rutin in seaweed, raspberries, citrus fruits, barley, strawberries, hips and mountain ash. Common buckwheat is rich in the natural antioxidant quercetin, which strengthens blood vessels and has anti-cancer properties.
Step 4. Beauty without sacrifice
Comfortable shoes with a heel of no more than 4 centimeters are the best choice for every day. In high-heeled shoes, the foot is forced to bend, as a result of which the nutrition of the small blood vessels of the toes is impaired, venous congestion occurs, and swelling occurs in the ankles and calves.
Step 5. Maintenance and repair
To prevent varicose veins in the legs, it is useful to rinse your feet with cold water after a shower. You can do a massage yourself: from bottom to top movements from foot to groin. Overheating is dangerous for the veins, so if you have a tendency to varicose veins in the legs, it is better to remove the bath and sauna from your life. Also, do not use too much sunbathing. Ultraviolet light reduces the elasticity of tissues and venous walls and causes varicose veins. You can get in the sun, but not in the afternoon, until 11 and after 17.
Yes, varicose veins in the legs are a chronic condition. Timely prevention of varicose veins will help prevent the development of the disease and reduce the risk of developing possible complications.